Thursday, 2 June 2016

Welcome on board

Diabetes is a menace, one of the deadliest chronic diseases known to mankind. Worse than HIV and AIDS.
Once diabetic your life never remains the same again except for proper monitoring and management.

Diabetes can lead to feet amputation, blindness, hypertension, kidney failure, psychiatric disturbance, sudden collapse and death, stroke, and many more as you will cone to know comprehensively on this blog.

As cruel as it is though, the good news it that diabetes is tameable, you can prevent it even when you have a family predisposition, you can as well manage it effectively even when it has manifested. A lot depends on your ability to gather and relate with relevant information and comply with sound medical advice.

This blog is dedicated to solving the diabetes menace. From providing proper background of the types, causes, signs and symptoms, preventive measures, management protocols, complications it's prevention and management. And most importantly current trends in diabetes management.

Feel free to ask you questions and receive professional answers. Comment on posts with questions and contributions. Let's provide a valuable solution for all those living with diabetes or are in danger of developing it.

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